Team Valley Brook

Team Valley Brook
Jeff, Jim, Rob, Steve, Mike

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 5 of work is complete.

Good evening.  We finally finished all the rafters today and the roof is ready for puting on the 12 foot by 4 foot sheets of corrigated tin.  We will have to wait until we have a calm day to put that tin on.  There has been almost non-stop 20 mph winds since sunday afternoon, with gusts over 50 mph.  Yesterday it rained for the better part of the day (see the drowned rat picture to the right).  Today it misted on and off all day, but it was well worth it because rainbows were sprouting up all over the place.  Not just your normal rainbow that you can barely see, but incredible vivid colors that looked like they were photo-shopped inot the scene.  We got a picture of our team with the rainbow behind us.  It looks pretty good, but the picture does mute the colors somewhat.
This evening we walked the half mile up the very steep hill to the Roblealto Bible school to visit our good friend David, his wife, and their 10 boys.  David is the head of maintenance at the camp and he and his wife are house parents at the school.  2 of the boys are their own and they care for an additional 8.  They are great people and you can see from the picture the love and happiness that envelopes their home.
Jim leaves tomorrow morning at 6:45 for his flight back to the states.  We will greatly miss his cheery attitude and his ability on the job site.  Not only is this guy good at killing bugs, but he swings a mean hammer;-)  At the same time we are little jealous that he gets to go home and see his beautiful wife and daughters.  They obviously mean the world to him and we all miss our families.
Even with the high winds and rain and dwindling work crew, we are still confident that we can get the whole roof on and finish all the siding during our remaining 3 days.  Please continue to pray for our safety and endurance and that God will give us one calm day to get the tin installed on the roof.
Laurie - Jim loves you.  Sue - Jeff loves you.  Yvonne - I love you! (all kids are also included).
Good night.

1 comment:

  1. Rob - I am enjoying following the blog this week! Looks like you are making great progress and having a little bit of fun mixed in there as well. good luck as you finish up the cabin and get ready to journey home this weekend - hopefully the weather will cooperate the next few days! See you and Mike next week - Kristin Kelleher
